Well hello there! Long time no see! It has been crazy hectic here. Funerals, birthdays, holidays and now the big one....wait for it....A NEW ADDITION!
Needless to say it was as far from planned as expected. I haven't been feeling like myself for the past couple of months. I have been so extremely tired, moody, nauseous, what I know now is pregnancy dementia, and of course the bloating that I now know is #4 making his way over.
As if the plus sign wasn't a big enough shock, I go to get some blood work done at the lab and was told by my doctor's nurse that if my HCG levels were over 2,000 I would have an ultrasound to determine my due date. Well my levels were just over 52,000 so they were able to get me in the next day. My husband and I spent a lot of the car ride to the doctor's office discussing how there was no way I was more that 8-10 weeks tops and how nervous/excited/anxious we were. Finally, walk into maternal-fetal medicine for the big ultrasound. Now here's the surprise, we see a fully formed baby....with a penis. The ultrasound tech measured our new little guy at 20 weeks 4 days.
How could I go 5 months without knowing I was pregnant you may ask. I asked the same thing. I was always one of those people who couldn't understand how you could have no idea you had a human being growing inside you. Well let me tell you how this played out:
Let me start off by saying I couldn't go based off my last period because I haven't gotten it back from having Donavan yet so my LMP was October 2014. I didn't know I was missing anything.
As I said before, I had all the symptoms and it was so obvious looking back but I honestly took most of it to summer heat. I am such a crybaby when it gets too hot and the summer heat drains my energy something fierce.
It wasn't until I was getting some groceries and I was feeling great, until I got near the ground coffee and swore I was going to hurl right then and there. Then it hit me like a brick in the face. "Oh my god, I think I'm pregnant." Pregnancy is the only time I ever get sick from the smell of coffee or get heartburn. Quickly I rushed to the other side of the store where they keep the pharmacy stuff and bought a test.
Once I got home I took it. Let me tell you, I didn't even finish peeing yet and those results were up. I quickly texted my husband at work telling him to call home ASAP and I waited anxiously for his call. (Him working overnights at the prison puts a little damper on our away from home communication)
I think he may have been too shocked to even have a reaction because the first time he reacted (that I know of anyway) was at the first ultrasound.
Now the shock has worn off and we have all kinds of emotions going on. We have 4 months to prepare for another baby. Not just another baby, but our fourth BOY and it's scary and exciting all at once. I'm so eager to have you along to take this (short) journey with us. Now that things have settled down some, I'll be better at keeping the updates and bumpdates going!
Needless to say it was as far from planned as expected. I haven't been feeling like myself for the past couple of months. I have been so extremely tired, moody, nauseous, what I know now is pregnancy dementia, and of course the bloating that I now know is #4 making his way over.
Let me start off by saying I couldn't go based off my last period because I haven't gotten it back from having Donavan yet so my LMP was October 2014. I didn't know I was missing anything.
As I said before, I had all the symptoms and it was so obvious looking back but I honestly took most of it to summer heat. I am such a crybaby when it gets too hot and the summer heat drains my energy something fierce.
It wasn't until I was getting some groceries and I was feeling great, until I got near the ground coffee and swore I was going to hurl right then and there. Then it hit me like a brick in the face. "Oh my god, I think I'm pregnant." Pregnancy is the only time I ever get sick from the smell of coffee or get heartburn. Quickly I rushed to the other side of the store where they keep the pharmacy stuff and bought a test.
Once I got home I took it. Let me tell you, I didn't even finish peeing yet and those results were up. I quickly texted my husband at work telling him to call home ASAP and I waited anxiously for his call. (Him working overnights at the prison puts a little damper on our away from home communication)
I think he may have been too shocked to even have a reaction because the first time he reacted (that I know of anyway) was at the first ultrasound.
Now the shock has worn off and we have all kinds of emotions going on. We have 4 months to prepare for another baby. Not just another baby, but our fourth BOY and it's scary and exciting all at once. I'm so eager to have you along to take this (short) journey with us. Now that things have settled down some, I'll be better at keeping the updates and bumpdates going!